On Tuesday, August 21st, Puck Custom Enterprises will present Pump School in Baraboo, WI. Register Online! Class starts at 12:30, and will be followed with a digester tour at 3:30. For those interested, sign up: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PWJKYDT
At Pump School, Ben Puck and team will discuss how manure applicators can get the best performance out of their pumps by reviewing the fundamentals of how high pressure pumps work, how to read and understand pump curves, and how to calculate friction losses in lay-flat hose to better place inline units. Increasing flow from 1200 GPM to 1500 GPM can mean a savings of over 100 hours for 40 million gallons. That can equal quality savings in fuel and labor for an operation.
The following day, Wednesday, August 22nd is the Expo. PCE will have a live demo of the Agitation Boat. Remotely controlled from shore, the agitation boat is a floating pump & engine unit using high pressure nozzles to shoot liquid downward and stir up solids on the bottom. Mixing lagoons in this manner provides the best unified product to pump to the field and apply as nutrient. The agitation boat isn't limited by access points to the lagoon, and can be directed over trouble areas to bring piles of solids into suspension for pump out.
Also showcased in live demonstrations will be PCE's MobileStar™ Pump Control system. MobileStar™ is a cellular-internet based technology to send and receive engine signals. From a computer or tablet, a user can turn the engine on or off, control and monitor engine RPM, open and close hydraulic gates on the trailer, prime the pump, and read inflow and outflow pump pressures. These controls give the user an ability to fine-tune a system and manually synchronize pumps to optimize flow rates.
For more information, please visit www.puckenterprises.com or visit with us at the show!